Puppy Training
Congratulations on your new addition!! we can not wait to help you on your journey
Puppies are born social. We want to help you keep the puppies qualities without losing your mind!
With proper puppy management you will learn how to keep them safe and be able to enjoy them all at the same time.
Making your home predictable will help them not only feel what is expected of them but also help you know when they need to go to the bathroom also when they need a puppy nap!
Training can be done one lesson at a time or a Training Package. We want to help you by showing you the proper social queues dogs give each other so that you can protect them at an early age from bad imprinting! The first year is crucial to helping your puppy become the best most social dog.
Puppies Mouth, jump, chew/shred, steal things, and a bunch of other behaviors we don’t like but these are all normal things to them. We want to help you get through this stage and use these “problem behaviors” to our advantage…. We know sounds backwards but wait till you see the bond you can build when you see these behaviors from your puppies eyes!
Their mouth is how they connect with the world!
The best way to teach your puppy is to teach them what you want them to do before you teach them what you don’t want them to do. For the first 6 months we should only be teaching them YES! This is where predictability and management come in. If you know when they eat, drink, sleep, and play you also know when they need to potty.